Media Spring Arts Show
The first outdoor art show of the season—with over 120 artists, crafters, and makers (food?). Media is another historic town in PA with a thriving art community.
I hope to see you there.
Plenty of free parking.

Chester County Studio Tour
The County Studio Tour is an fun two-day celebration of creativity, connecting art lovers, collectors, and curious neighbors with talented local artists.
Whether you’re a seasoned art connoisseur or simply curious, the Studio Tour is your ticket to dive into the vibrant creative energy that thrives throughout the county.
Last year, I hosted 4 artists at my house, which was amazing. This year, you’ll find me with a fun group of crazy artists at Barnstone Art for Kids.
Don’t miss this unforgettable journey into the heart of local artistry!

Brandywine Festival of the Arts
This will be my second year at this fun festival along the beautiful Brandywine in Wilmington, DE.
The festival is a Delaware tradition spanning over half a century and it is the largest arts festival in the state. Now regionally popular and nationally recognized, the Brandywine Festival of the Arts boasts participants from across the United States and ranks in the top 100 shows in the country.
I’d love to see you there!

Un-augural: Anno Artem Gallery
This is the first show in this new gallery launched by Anthony Nowack—featuring art that protests current forces of isolation and alienation, in favor to empathy for all of humanity and a determined commitment to know and speak truth.
The show soft-opens with a ticketed reception Mon, Jan 20th.
The public opening is Fri, Jan 24th, 6-9.
The closing reception is Sun, Feb 2, 3-7.

Corner Art Collective Gallery: Ignite
The Corner Art Collective is a funky corner-store-turned-gallery by two artists who saw the need. Not your ordinary gallery! Josh and Rob have honed the shows to one-day events, packing the room with energy, chatter, and creativity.
I’m honored to be among the artists participating in this January show, “Ignite,” on the theme of fire—hopefully not the out-of-control apocalyptic fire but the warm, energizing fire in a cold January.

Weihnachtsmarkt 2024
A festive German Christmas Market on the Mainline organized by the Germans of MainLineFreunde with music, wurst, beer, Santa, singing, fine art and crafts—the fulll festive Christmas atmosphere.

Historic Yellow Springs Fine Arts and Crafts Show
This is my second year at this event. It’s definitely a fun holiday outing!
Located in the Lincoln and Washington buildings in Historic Yellow Springs, this juried show features original paintings as well as works in ceramics, glass, wood, paper, fiber arts, jewelry, photography, and more!
Free parking is located throughout the village.
Opening Reception on Friday, November 8 from 5 – 8 pm. Tickets are available for $10 each at the door, free for HYS members.
Saturday 9th from 10 am – 5 pm, and Sunday 10th from 10 am – 4 pm, November 10. Admission is $5 at the door and free for HYS members.
Check out the new Life’s Patina Co Mercantile and Café while your’re there. It’s an historic Jerry Lind house restored and put to modern use—part of the HYS strategy to preserve this unique historic village.

Art for a Cause: Phoenixville Free Clinic Online Art Auction
I’ve donated “Whole World in His Hands” to the Art for a Cause fund-raiser of the Phoenixville Free Clinic. In all 45 pieces of art will be in this online auction.
The Clinic provides quality healthcare to the uninsured and underserved with dignity and respect.
Help this great cause and grab some great art!
Online auction Nov 6-14.
Opening reception is Nov 7, 5:00-7:30 at Phoenix Village, 131 Bridge St, Phoenixvile.
And may we all remember God has the whole world in his loving hands.

Mischief, Monsters, & Myths
The Corner Art Collective Gallery in West Chester has upbeat vibe.
Curators Joshua Ruggeri & Rob DiTeodoro have turned a row house corner store into this energy-oozing space.
I had a spooky painting and it was accepted into the show! All fun.

Daylesford Abbey Art Show
Daylesford Abbey has been doing an art show as a fund-raiser for over 50 years. I will be one of 60 artists displaying paintings, ceramics, jewelry, pottery, glass, and fabrics.
Small works, large works, and everything in between, all in the serene setting of this historic abbey with its awe-inspiring chapel.
Friday, Oct 4, 5-8
Sat, Oct 5, 10-5
Sun, Oct 6, 12 -5

Artist of the Month at Steel City Coffeehouse and Brewery
Featured artist of the month at Steel City CoffeeHouse and Brewery, along with Pamela Jacques.
Grab some food and/or drink and enjoy the view.

Brandywine Festival of the Arts
Brandywine Festival of the Arts is a Delaware tradition, stated 60 years ago as a 2-day event with bull roast. No bull now, but it’s ranked one of the top 100 shows in the country. Over 200 artists showing fine art, crafts, music, food and drink, and activities for kids, all at the splendid Brandywine Park Josephine Gardens, with trees, winding paths and, of course, the Brandywine River.
Sounds like a wonderful outing to me!

Art Work Solo Show
You may have missed the opening, but there’s still time to see the show. By private arrangement, or during regular open hours (below). Come and up your happiness factor.
Aug 16 & 17: the mystery of gouache! What is it? How do you pronounce it? I’ll be painting and I’ll bring some extra paper in case you want to give it a whirl.
Aug 23 & 24: cold wax. What is it? How does an artist use it? I’ll even share my recipe for making your own without burning down the house.
Bright color, bold designs, dynamic and stable, energizing and calming. Maximalist Décor is here!
Regular Open Hours
Friday evenings 5:30-8:30
Saturday afternoons 2:30-4:30 with a demo at 3:00
Private viewings possible by arrangement.
Special events
Opening Reception, Fri 8/2, 5:30-8:30
A celebration of the great unveiling!
Flourishing: How Art Changes our Brains with psychologist Sean Halloran, Sun 8/4, 2:15-3:30.
Is art a luxury for the few, or a key ingredient in a self-care diet for flourishing?
Why do we feel happy when we’re creating? How is it we get so absorbed?
We’ll be exploring ideas from “Your Brain on Art” in a dramatic, interactive way. Arrive on time for the start of the session.
Artists’ Gathering, Sun, 8/25, 2:30-4:00
Connecting, sharing, and talking shop! Register here.
The Last Hurrah, Fri, 8/30, 5:30-8:30
All good things must end some day!
Free street parking on Main or Starr St—not on Church St!
Or paid parking at Church St Public Parking Lot, $2/hour.

Phoenixville Art Street Festival
A fun day in Phoenixville with artists, activities, guys on stilts and the whole 9 yards! A great way to greet the summer!
I’ll be near Main and Bridge, in front of Bistro on Bridge. See ya there.

Chester County Pride Fest
A Chester County annual event on iconic Bridge Street in Phoenixville, on a (hopefully) beautiful June day!

Chester County Studio Tours
Chester county Studio Tour started 14 years ago with one artist opening his studio to the community.
Fourteen years later, there are 202 artists at 71 studios, complete with an online planning tool to map out your personalized tour. (No one can see all 71 studios and remain sane.)
I’m Studio 11 with five artists: Carrie Kingsbury, Harriet Hill (host), Dolores Bartholomew, Dave Yasenchak, and Michael Ressler.
Don’t miss the ‘county collector’ feature. Every artist creates a small work priced at $90—your chance to scoop up some fab art if you’re the first to grab it.

Beyond the Armor: A Creative Exploration of Mental Health
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Jeweled Warrior Gallery invites you to enter into a journey through the complexities of mental well-being. "Beyond the Armor" harnesses the power of art as a medium for expression, connection, and healing. Local artists will be sharing their personal journeys, reflections, and perspectives on mental well-being.
And all of the art is priced $200 or less!

Mother’s Day Home Show
Mothers and Flowers. Love them both! Come feast on some lush flower paintings, in honor of mom’s of all ages in all places!
My mother loved flowers, and it seems to be in my DNA which I have passed on. This painting is of a magnolia bloom we watched open and then droop and finally drop its leaves, all while we drank endless coffee around her kitchen table and chatted and laughed at life.

Weihnachtsmarkt 2023: German Christmas Market
An authentic German Christmas Market on the mainline, with art, crafts, music, food, and fun! You may find that perfect gift for yourself or loved ones, and enjoy the holiday spirit in the process.

Ravensgate Yule Art Show
This winter, Ravensgate is hosting a Yule art show featuring a selection of original work by local artists. The pieces in this show will make for excellent holiday gifts, so make sure you stop on by if you have someone in your life who you’d love to get some original artwork for! The reception for the Winter Yule Art Show is Friday, December 1st from 6 pm - 8 pm.

Fine Arts and Crafts Show, Historic Yellow Springs
A trip to Historic Yellow Springs is rhapsody all on its own. I’ll be there with my paintings to add to the cheer. Holiday shopping opportunity.
Fri 5-9, Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4.

25 Days of Minis, online
Looking for the perfect, personal, original gift for someone (or yourself)? At midnight from Dec 1-25, a set of ‘minis’ from a group of artists will be revealed—new work that has never been seen before the clock strikes midnight! No peaking! 25 Days of Minis

Artists Next Door
My artist neighbor Victoria O’Neill and I are hosting an Art Social at 146 Rossiter Ave, at the very end of the cup de sac. Stop by and get to know us, hang out, enjoy the art (for purchase), and make a paper bird wand. Light refreshments. Click here to see Victoria's artwork.
Third and final RAIN DATE: Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Whole Lot of Lulu
More Phoenixville fun! A vintage festival organized by Lulu Boutique. It will be held indoors due to rain, at Bistro on Bridge and Root Down Brewery. I will post where I’ll be once I know. A little crazy, a lot of fun! Not scared away by the weather!

Steel City Artist of the Month
Enjoy artists all along Bridge Street on this First Ever Phoenixville Art Walk! I’ll be at Steel City Coffeehouse and Brewery on Bridge and Main, where I’ll be featured as the October Artist of the Month!

Phoenixville Blues Festival
We all sing the blues sometime! Come enjoy the music and see my work at Phoenixville Blues Festival at Reeves Park, Phoenixville. A great way to relax on a weekend, hopefully with great weather.

Sept First Friday, Phoenixville
On First Fridays, Phoenixville creates an ambiance of a night market all along iconic Bridge Street. A fun outing, especially if the weather is favorable.